
Story of Beer

In 1759 on the last day of December, there lived a young determined man by the name of Arthur Guinness who traveled through the gate of a dilapidated ill-equipped, old brewery seen on a small strip of land along Dublin’s James Street. He had just signed a lease for that property at 45 pounds per annum. His friends could not believe what just took place and what Arthur was even thinking.

Mark Rainsford’s Ale Brewery for ten years had been on the market and it seems for that long nobody really had shown that much interest in it. The street had already small breweries that were attracted to this spot because of the good supply of water. There were about 70 breweries at that time and what Mr. Guinness had acquired was no more than just the average. Yet Arthur was in the venture to change all of that and make history. He was only 34 then but he knew that the beer industry then was highly unsatisfactory. The trade off fell when import regulations favoured breweries of the London Porter were extended.

During those times, in rural Ireland beer was not that known and during that time gin, whiskey and poteen were the alcoholic beverage. Even though the situation is like this at that time with constant threats from imports was the most prosperous in the very few industries.

The beer that Arthur Guinness brewed was a beer that is a new bee in the Irish community and it contained roaster barley creating a significantly dark colour. This type of brew was popularly known at that time as “porter” for the main reason that it became popular with the stevedores of Covenant Garden, to the porters and Billingsgate in London. Porter originality was created in London and had been shipped to Dublin in competition with Ireland’s local beers. There came a time that Arthur Guinness had to decide whether he would use “porter” or use the traditional Dublin ales. Since he decided to be in good competition with the English brewer of their own game, Arthur tried his luck using porter. He was able to brew it so well and so richly that he eventually outstood the other imports in the Irish market as well a he also captured a part of the English market and made history in the brewing industry.

After sometime, in 1820’s porter adapted the name Stout as an adjective meaning that an extra stout porter would be stronger and thicker in full bodied variety. Stout eventually became a noun at its own right, as well as the family name Guinness was used. It was in 1825 that Guinness was starting to be a exported to other countries and when 1838 hit, Guinness Brewery in St. James Gate became the largest brewery in Ireland. In 1881 the sale of it’s beer surpassed over one million barrels in a year and Guinness Brewery in St. James didn’t just become the biggest brewery in Ireland but it became the largest in the world.

Although now Guinness brewery is not the largest in the world but still the largest stout brewery land is still one of the most modern breweries of all time. Now, Guinness is being brewed in 35 countries all over the world, but it’s supplies of flavoured extract is still all coming from the brewery in St. James’s Gate, making the authentic beer experience to remember Arthur and his brewery in the hearts of millions of people who grab that glass of Guinness and enjoy to the very drop of it.

G or not G?

killing Himself

George Clooney says he considered killing himself because the pain from a movie injury was so great.

The actor’s woes came from the filming of “Syriana,” a political thriller based on the memoirs of ex-CIA agent Robert Baer.

“There was this scene where I was taped to a chair and getting beaten up and we did quite a few takes. The chair was kicked over and I hit my head,” Clooney said in an interview on National Public Radio. “I tore my dura, which is the wrap around my spine which holds in spinal fluid.” Clooney says part of the problem was that he’d put on weight for the role.

G or not G?

Secretly Dating Mariah

Wrote on her Web site Thursday: "Sneaky little Mariah Carey is getting romantic with MTV's Nick Cannon and doesn't want anyone to know!"

Charlton claims the two longtime friends got much closer after she asked him to film a cameo in one of her upcoming videos.

"They started spending time together working on the video script and they got VERY close," Charlton writes. "Sparks flew and the next thing she knew, Mariah had promoted Nick from a cameo in her first video, to DIRECTOR of her second video! They were both at Butter in New York the other night but keep up the charade of 'just friends.' She's been flying around promoting her album so they secretly hook up whenever they can."

Meanwhile, WENN is reporting that Mariah caused a nasty traffic situation in London recently while there to promote her new album, " E=MC2."

Hundreds of fans turned out to catch a glimpse of the star as she arrived for a signing session at Oxford Street's Selfridges department store. But police could barely handle the huge crowds, causing officers to divert cars away from the Selfridges store because of the commotion surrounding her appearance.

After posing for waiting photographers outside the store, Carey -- who was two hours late for the appearance -- was soon ushered inside Selfridges, where two floors had been cordoned off in preparation for her arrival.

G or not G?


The Shirt

The shirt made from wool or linen, hemp or silk, it had a low neckline, full sleeves with no cuffs and sloped gently out from the shoulders. By 1600 frills had begun to appear at the neck, cuffs at the wrists and the first buttons were being used.

As interest grew, so did prices. A leader of the Puritan sect commented in 1533,"I have heard of shirts that cost some ten shillings, some twenty, some forty, some five pounds and (which is horrible to hear) some ten pounds apiece." The shirt became a measure of wealth and status. In 1553, a law decreed that no-one under the rank of a Knight might wear,"plaited shirts or shirts garnished with silk, gold or silver".

An example of a shirt that was worn arround 1580

An example of a shirt that was worn arround 1790

Shirt circa 1580

Shirt circa 1790

The pace of change, and of fashion now quickened. ave began to appear on collars, ribbon fastenings on sleeves, and the jabot - a frilled border around the neck opening - came into vogue as a sign of social position. At this time, a gentleman of style and substance might expect to wear

some twenty shirts a week.

The Regency period, and the era of the 'dandy', saw further developement - much of it stimulated by George "Beau" Brummel. His high, starched collar was so deep that, when turned up, it completely hid his head and face so that, "...dandies were struck dumb and washer women miscarried".

George 'Beau' Brummel, a 'dandie' of the Regency period.

Later in the century, curved hems replaced square shirt bottoms and cotton became the most widely used material. A series f inventions made it possible for the middling ranks to wear shirts to the office - removable cuff protectors, and replacement collars and cuffs - although a strong preference for white shirts remained as evidence that the wearer did not earn his living "by the sweat of his neck".

G or not G?

The Java is

Java is Object Oriented computer programming language. It is used for application as well as system software development. It is best for the web based application such as servlets, XML design...etc.

I.e. the application can run in the Internet. It can be used as front end tool for the back end database application. for example, the famous Oracle Database management system was designed using Java technology. It is platform independent. i.e. can run under most platforms and OSs.

Java is a Island in the Asia continent in the Republic of ndonesia country with 250 billion citizen. this island is very fertile, but
the old goverment in take care is wrong .

G or not G?

How Hitler Died

Adolf Hitler shot himself in the head with a pistol on April 30, 1945, shortly before the invading Soviet Army captured his bunker in Berlin.

More input:

  • It's pretty much common sense. After leading the greatest war the world has ever seen and being responsible for the deaths of millions and millions of people, from gypsies to Jews, how can anyone live with themself? Hitler committed suicide, along with his new wife. Only the devil would be able to live with himself after causing such mass destruction.

-Adolf Hitler did not kill himself out of any sort of remorse for the deaths of others. He did it out of fear of being caught. He never felt remorse for the deaths of the Jews because he believed himself to be right and justified. Racism usually means that a person truely believes that what they are doing is right and that whatever other race it is, is lesser than they are and do not deserve equality or sometimes even life.

  • After taking cyanide, first tested on his dog Blondie, he shot himself through the right temple. (the poison worked on Eva, not on Adolf.)

  • Apparently, he took a poison capsule and shot himself through the mouth. (It was the right temple, not the mouth)

  • From what I have researched is that he overdosed himself because he didn't want to deal with the pain from shooting himself so he overdose so he didn't feel the pain.

  • Here is something for you to consider. I, myself do come from a nazi family. My source was in the SS and he has told me much of Hitler's plans, etc.

I was told that his "suicide" was staged. He did not kill himself, he instead planned it and fled Germany under a new alias and a disguise. (Corny I know, but hear me through.) He travelled to the South Americas and met with other Nazis who had fled to Paraguay, and eventually Hitler resided in what is now San Diego.

G ornot G?

Bill Gates expects Microsoft Windows version 7 in 2009

Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates said Friday the world's biggest software maker might introduce the next update to its Windows operating system in 2009.

"The next version is supposed to be Windows 7," Gates said at the annual meeting of the Inter-American Development Bank in Miami. "That will be sometime in the next year or so that we'll have a new version."

The product, code-named Windows 7, is still in the planning stages, said spokeswoman Liz Martin.

Windows Vista, Microsoft's current operating system, took five years to produce.

The software debuted in late 2006 after more than two years of delays.

G or not G?


Paris Hilton Harvard University Woman Of The Year 2008

Paris Hilton has been selected as Ivy League Harvard University’s Harvard Lampoon Magazine’s Woman of the Year 2008. No, we are not joking.

The Lampoon is Harvard’s comedy magazine. Founded in 1876, the Harvard Lampoon is the world’s oldest continually published humor magazine. Former honorees include, Conan O’Brien, John Updike and William Randolph Hearst.

Paris Hilton will give an on-campus acceptance speech at a ceremony in Harvard Square on February 6th.

G or not G?

Scots Cooking: The Best Traditional and Contemporary Scottish Recipes

Finally a book that successfully combines contemperory with the traditional.The recipes are beautifully presented with spectacular colour photographs. Unlike some cookery writer's books the recipes are usable for every day life covering such topics as breakfast, meats and baking. Being Scottish myself I know that this book genuinely reflects Scottish cooking and I love the way the author combines the recipes with anecdotes making the book not only a good cooking book but also a good read. I would highly suggest that everybody should buy this book as the recipes are the best things that have come out of Scotland since Sean Connery. (amazon.com)

Search Engine Marketing

Search engine marketing is marketing via search engines, done through organic search engine optimization, paid search engine advertising, and paid inclusion programs.

Paid Inclusion

As mentioned earlier, many general web directories charge a one time flat fee or annually recurring rate for listing commercial sites. Many shopping search engines charge a flat cost per click rate to be included in their databases.

As far as major search engines go, Inktomi popularized the paid inclusion model. They were bought out by Yahoo in December of 2003. After Yahoo dropped Google and rolled out their own search technology they continued to offer a paid inclusion program to list sites in their regular search results. Yahoo Search Submit is the only organic search paid inclusion program remaining from the major search providers. Search Submit is sold both on a yearly flat rate basis, and on a category based per click basis.

Pay Per Click

Pay per click ads allow search engines to sell targeted traffic to advertisers on a cost per click basis. Typically pay per click ads are keyword targeted, but in some cases, some engines may also add in local targeting, behavioral targeting, or allow merchants to bid on traffic streams based on demographics as well.

Pay per click ads are typically sold in an auction where the highest bidder ranks #1 for that keyword. Some engines, like Google and Microsoft, also factor ad clickthrough rate into the click cost. Doing so ensures their ads get clicked on more frequently, and that their advertisements are more relevant. A merchant who writes compelling ad copy and gets a high CTR will be allowed to pay less per click to receive traffic.

Search Engines vs Directories

All major search engines have some limited editorial review process, but the bulk of relevancy at major search engines is driven by automated search algorithms which harness the power of the link graph on the web. In fact, some algorithms, such as TrustRank, bias the web graph toward trusted seed sites without requiring a search engine to take on much of an editorial review staff. Thus, some of the more elegant search engines allow those who link to other sites to in essence vote with their links as the editorial reviewers.

Unlike highly automated search engines, directories are manually compiled taxonomies of websites. Directories are far more cost and time intensive to maintain due to their lack of scalability and the necessary human input to create each listing and periodically check the quality of the listed websites.

General directories are largely giving way to expert vertical directories, temporal news sites (like blogs), and social bookmarking sites (like del.ici.ous). In addition, each of those three publishing formats I just mentioned also aid in improving the relevancy of major search engines, which further cuts at the need for (and profitability of) general directories.

A Short History of Vodka

Vodka's history is less clear than this grain-based spirit distilled since medieval times.

In the histories of both Poland and Russia, there is clear evidence that vodka was being produced in the Middle Ages. During the 13th and 14th centuries, the distillation process had taken a remarkable turn. Multiple distillations of an alcoholic beverage could produce a drink with a higher alcohol content! In the grain-growing regions of Northeastern Europe, this alcoholic beverage was vodka.


Vodka was first used for its supposed medicinal properties. Its bad flavor was covered up with healthful and good-tasting ingredients. Until the process of rectification was invented in the 1800s, vodka maintained its unpleasant overtones. After that time, the many variations of blended vodkas (some flavors made certain localities famous) were a part of the drinker’s enjoyment.

History of the Word Vodka

There is some dispute about the history of the word vodka. Some sources say it is derived from the Slavic word for “water,” essentially making the word vodka mean “little water.” Others say it comes from the Slavic verb for “to distill with water,” which is a similar concept. Other vodka-producing regions, like Ukraine and the Baltics, have words for vodka that derive from their verbs for “to burn,” which could refer to the boiling process undertaken during the distillation process or the burning sensation of vodka on the palate.

Vodka: Eastern Europe's Best Choice

That vodka became a staple drink in the northern regions of Eastern Europe is hardly surprising. Vodka could be transported even during cold weather because of its low freezing point. Vodka was good for helping citizens to get through harsh, long winters. Vodka could be mixed easily with a great many ingredients (currants, honey, peppers, fruits, to name a few), so it could be flavored with whatever was on hand. Its most basic ingredient, grain (and sometimes potatoes), was plentiful and easily grown.

Vodka and Eastern European History

Vodka has played vital roles in the history of Eastern European countries. Vodka was used as a revenue-increasing product during the time of the Tsars. However, vodka is and was also responsible for rampant alcoholism. Russia briefly went through a Prohibition-like period in the 20th century, but the national drink could not be taken away from the people. Gorbachev also attempted to curb vodka sales, but this resulted in moonshine production.

Vodka today is distilled internationally from a great many ingredients. However, the originators of vodka – the Russians or the Poles, depending upon who you believe – will tell you that the purest, most authentic vodka only comes from Eastern Europe.

G or not G?


Beef was not an important part of the American diet before the Civil War. Cattle were not indigenous to the Americas, so you could not find cattle in the New World until the Spanish introduced them into in Mexico in 1540. In the 18th century, the Spanish and French colonist began to raise cattle. As the railroads developed, they used trains to transport to herds from San Antonio to New Orleans. However, this industry collapsed because of the cold winter, and 90 percent of the herds were wiped out.
Eventually, technology, animal husbandry, and barbed wire changed the industry. In 1871, a Detroit meat pecker named G. H. Hanharmand brought refrigeration railway cars west, transforming the industry. Slaughterhouses had been set up in the Midwest for shipment of meat back to the east where the appetite for beef was beginning to develop. After the Second World War, beef became a symbol of American prosperity. Americans were eating 62 pounds by 1952, 99 pounds by 1960, and an all time high of 114 pounds in 1970. Nowadays, that rate is increasing everyday.

The Origin of Brownies

The first known recipe for brownies was published in the 1897 Sears, Roebuck Catalogue. The origin of the Brownie is thought to be American. It is classified as a bar cookie and is thought to derive its name from the brown color of the cookie. Folklore has its origin coming from a careless cook that forgot to put baking powder in the chocolate cake batter recipe. Since this time there are almost as many brownie recipes as there are cooks.

G or not G?



Unearthed during excavation for building a house in a vineyard near the town of Speyer, Germany, it was inside one of two Roman stone sarcophaguses that were dug up. The bottle dates from approximately 325 A.D. and was found in 1867.
The greenish-yellow glass amphora has handles formed in the shape of dolphins. One of several bottles discovered, it is the only one with the contents still preserved.
The ancient liquid has much silty sediment. About two-thirds of the contents are a thicker, hazy mixture. This is most probably olive oil, which the Romans commonly used to "float" atop wine to preserve it from oxidation. Cork closures, although known to exist at the time, were quite uncommon. Their oil method of preservation was apparently effective enough to keep the wine from evaporation up to modern day.
The bottle is on permanent display, along with other wine antiquities, at the Historisches Museum der Pfalz (History Museum of the Pfalz), which is worth a virtual visit or an actual one, if traveling near the area of Speyer, Germany.

G or not G?

How Phone-line Networking Works

Phone-line networking is one of several ways to connect the computers in your home. If your computers are in different rooms, then phone-line networking could be a good solution for you.
Phone-line networking is easy to install, inexpensive and fast, and it doesn't require any additional wiring.

Phone-line networking, most commonly referred to as HomePNA, is based on the specifications developed by the Home Phone Networking Alliance (HPNA). The HPNA is a consortium of key

networking technology companies that created a phone-line standard for the networking industry. HPNA 1.0, the original version of the standard, operated at a rather slow 1 megabit per second (Mbps). The current specification, HPNA 3.0, is based on technology developed by Broadcom and Copper Solutions. It operates at 128 Mbps.

HomePNA has several distinct advantages:

  • It's easy to install.

  • It's inexpensive.

  • It's standardized.

  • It's reliable.

  • It operates at a constant 128 Mbps, even when the phone is in use.

  • It requires no additional networking equipment (such as hubs or routers).

  • It supports up to 50 devices.

  • It is fast enough for bandwidth-intensive applications, such as video.

  • It is compatible with other networking technologies.

  • It works on Macs and older PCs (in addition to Windows and Linux systems).

HomePNA does have some drawbacks, though. You need a phone jack close to each computer. Otherwise, you will have to run phone extension cords or install new wiring. There is a physical limit of 1,000 feet (304.8 m) of wiring between devices, and the overall area of coverage should not exceed 10,000 square feet (929 m2). Rarely (in fewer than 1 percent of U.S. homes), HomePNA will not work on the existing wiring. And while this author did not notice any interference with voice use, there have been reports of voices sounding "funny" or of a lot of noise on the phone once HomePNA is installed.

G or not G?

How WiFi Works

If you've been in an airport, coffee shop, library or hotel recently, chances are you've been right in the middle of a wireless network. Many people also use wireless networking, also called WiFi or 802.11 networking, to connect their computers at home, and an increasing number of cities use the technology to provide free or low-cost Internet access to residents. In the near future, wireless networking may become so widespread that you can access the Internet just about anywhere at any time, without using wires.

One wireless router can allow multiple devices to connect to the Internet.
One wireless router can allow multiple devices to connect to the Internet.

WiFi has a lot of advantages. Wireless networks are easy to set up and inexpensive. They're also unobtrusive -- unless you're on the lookout for a place to use your laptop, you may not even notice when you're in a hotspot. In this article, we'll look at the technology that allows information to travel over the air. We'll also review what it takes to create a wireless network in your home.

G or no G?

Agelina Jolie

She toured around the world helping 3rd-world countries. She also adopted 3 children, from Cambodia, Ethiopia and Vietnam. She was appreciated much because she gave 1 million dollars to one of the countries she had visited.

Catherine Zeta-Jones

Catherine Zeta-Jones was born on 25 September 1969, in Swansea, West Glamorgan, Wales, UK, the daughter of Dai Jones, who formerly worked for a candy factory, and Pat Jones. Her brother David Jones (b. 1967) is a development executive and brother Lyndon Jones (b.1972) works at her production company. Catherine showed an interest early on in entertainment. She starred on stage in "Annie", "Bugsy Malone" and "The Pajama Game". At 15 she had the lead in the British revival of "42nd Street". She was originally cast as the second understudy for the lead role in the musical but when the star and first understudy became sick the night the play's producer was in the audience, she was given the lead for the rest of the musical's production. She first made a name for herself in the early 1990s when she starred in the Yorkshire Television comedy/drama series "The Darling Buds of May" (1991). The show was a smash hit and made her one of the United Kingdom's most popular television actresses. She subsequently played supporting roles in several films including Christopher Columbus: The Discovery (1992), the miniseries Catherine the Great (1995) (TV) and a larger part as the seductive Sala in The Phantom (1996) before landing her breakthrough role playing the fiery Elena opposite Anthony Hopkins and Antonio Banderas in The Mask of Zorro (1998). She starred in many big-budget blockbusters like Entrapment (1999), The Haunting (1999) and Traffic (2000), for which many believed she was robbed of an Oscar nomination for best supporting actress. In November 2000 she married actor Michael Douglas. She gave birth to their son Dylan Michael in August 2000.

G or not G?

Hillary Duff

Accepted the lead role in A Cinderella Story (2004) because Charles Perrault`s story "Cinderella" was her favorite fairy tale when she was growing up.

Her favorite film is Romy and Michele`s High School Reunion (1997).

Has been homeschooled since the age of 10. Along with her sister, currently taking two online correspondence courses via the Harvard Extension School.

Has been working for the charity Kids With a Cause (which helps children stricken by poverty, hunger, sickness, a lack of education, abandonment, neglect and/or abuse) since it was founded in September 1999, and is the 2004 Official International Spokesperson for the non-profit organization.

In preparation for her driving test, she drove herself between filming locations during principal photography for A Cinderella Story (2004).

G or not G?

Paris Hilton Hocks Hair in Bologna

She’s done everything from perfume to shoes to handbags to apparel, and now Paris Hilton is all about selling hair extensions.

The “Stars are Blind” babe was spotted in Bologna, Italy for the 41st Annual Cosmoprof Fair, the perfect place for her to promote her new line of extensions, called “The Bandit.”

The packaging for “The Bandit” reads, “Classic headband style with 6” of hair. Interchangeable headbands for a new look everyday.”

And Paris was all about demonstrating just how fabulous her new line could be. She pranced around the fair with both short and long coifs like a promotional pro.

Let’s just hope the fake hair does better than the auditions for her new MTV reality venture “Paris Hilton’s My New BFF.” According to industry insiders, there have been less than 40 people that have auditioned for the new gig.

As for the potential candidates, reportedly there’s a good mix of characters. “There were girls wearing matching pastel prom dresses with Swarovski crystal pendants and updos, ghetto-fabulous girls and two goth-inspired girls with bleach blonde hair, pale makeup, eyelash extensions and leather clothing.”

G or Not G?

Uma Thurman on the Beach

Uma Thurman was spotted playing on the beach and oh my heavens what happened to her boobs? I didn’t know they made a Mrs. Strech Armstrong doll. I know she’s a mom and all, but wow, can’t you roll those things up? She’s lucky she didn’t step on her nipples. Although if she’s willing to do some topless work she could use those danglers like nunchucks in the next Kill Bill movie. Nobody expects to get knocked out with flying knockers.

G or Not G?